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Response for the “Killing Animals Is Wrong But It's Not My Fault” Comment

The method of murdering animals is the 13th thing wrong with exploiting animals

(Posted September 11, 2015)  I wanted to share another Q&A email that might help you respond to the misinformed/uninformed members of our society.

Q: "The way we kill animals is wrong, but that’s not in my hands. I cannot control that and tell these people how to kill. So it’s not my fault.

A: If you eat animals and the things that come out of THEIR bodies, you are responsible for their exploitation and suffering in the same way you are responsible for the exploitation and suffering of children if you watch child pornography.

Moreover, the method of murdering animals is the 13th thing wrong with exploiting animals. The following vile acts are way worse. Raping female animals to impregnate them, and stealing THEIR babies after birth. Commodifying animals by viewing them as food, clothing, research specimens and entertainment. Denying them the same rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that we all demand and/or take for granted. Enslaving them. Embracing/condoning speciesism. Mass producing/breeding them so we can rape them, steal their babies, exploit and commodify them. Mutilating their bodies (de-horning, de-beaking, castration, etc.) BEFORE murdering them. Thinking that we have the right to own THEIR bodies. Shipping them to slaughterhouses in mobile concentration camp trucks when they know damn well where they're going since they’re all cognizant. Having them smell death and fear in the air when they arrive at the slaughterhouse. Hanging them upside down to slice their throats or electrocute them in water while they’re fully conscious. THEN the murder – regardless of the method – comes into play.

What you are failing to understand is that by definition alone, murder is radically cruel and can never be humane. If animals go into slaughterhouses alive and come out chopped up into hundreds of pieces, how could anyone claim that they aren't being mistreated, abused, tortured and terrorized? How in the world could SLAUGHTERING BILLIONS of INNOCENT beings annually be done with love, humanity and concern?

The free-range/freedom/organic/cage-free/antibiotic-free/hormone-free/grass-fed/buying local marketing terms are used to manipulate people into thinking that meat, dairy and egg production can be done happily and humanely. But there is no such thing as happy and humane slaughter just as there is no such thing as happy and human rape, happy and humane slavery, or happy and humane child molestation. From the animals' point of view, anyone who commodifies their bodies is equally vicious.

Most people are unaware that Heinrich Himmler, the Gestapo Commander who created the Jewish Holocaust's gas chamber system, almost fainted when he watched 100 Jews being shot to death in his honor. The Jewish Virtual Library states: "Subsequent to this experience, he ordered as a more humane means of execution the use of poison gas in specially constructed chambers disguised as shower rooms." If Himmler were still alive, I am sure he'd love to have a NON vegan meal with the “humane” meat, dairy and egg-eating pieces of shit who perpetuate his insane “humane” beliefs.

In summary, who the hell cares HOW we kill animals! The fact that we think we have the right to kill them is the MOST EVIL thing of all!

For anyone who really believes that free-range farms are nice places, watch one of the biggest free-range “farmers” in California discuss what happens to hens in this non-graphic 30-second clip that aired on the History Channel. I actually used this clip in my 2014 EXCUSES speech.