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Email-Ready Response for the “Other Problems in the World” Comment

Humans have a horrible habit of focusing on 2% of a problem

(Posted September 25, 2015)  I wanted to share a response to a typical comment/question we often hear.

Q: Aren’t there other problems in the world to deal with?

A: Of course there are. But killing cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, fish, and other animals for breakfast, lunch and dinner is the MOST EVIL thing that has ever existed! NOTHING else comes close to the havoc and horror these creatures go through. Since 60 billion land animals and 90 billion marine animals are murdered worldwide annually by the meat, dairy and egg industries, it would be wise to eliminate the most superfluous amount of cruelty and injustice FIRST. Humans have a horrible habit of focusing on 2% of a problem rather than 98% of it. When environmental and health issues are added to the ETHICAL reasons for living the vegan lifestyle, eradicating speciesism should be everyone’s main goal. Speciesism IS the root cause of racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism, and every other evil “ism” that exists. We’ve learned to oppress, enslave and murder each other efficiently because we practiced on the animals first, as I explained in this 2.5 minute VEGAN FOR THE WIN interview.

But let’s say you would still rather focus on 2% of the problem - which I can only assume means human rights issues - because you don’t care about animals, your health or the environment. If that’s the case, you’re a massive hypocrite because all the anti-oppression, pro-equality positions you demand for women, homosexuals, children, blacks, etc., you wholeheartedly DENY to the animals. Don’t you think animals want to be free, too? And not marginalized and commodified, and mass murdered, and have their babies stolen from them? My question to you - and all the other NON vegan human rights supporters - is this: How come when animals are victims, you proudly turn into an inbred hillbilly cousin of the Duck Dynasty family who all of a sudden becomes dumbfounded with the concept of right and wrong? Are you really telling me it is necessary for you to eat bacon and cheese and steak while fighting for human justice?

And this nonsensical "there-are-other-problems-in-the-world" attitude is a complete cop-out anyway. I was being kind when assuming that you are even an activist. I am pretty sure you are ALL TALK and NO action, like most people, which means your comment is nothing but another excuse to do nothing. And doing nothing has NEVER made the world a better place nor made anyone prolific, ethical, kind or relevant. You should try doing something important by becoming vegan instead of being another mindless robot who follows the orders of organized religion, government, parents, teachers, cops, politicians, and the media!

One more thought about how stupid it is to focus on 2% of a problem. Last year in America, 8 people contracted the Ebola virus. Society, fueled by the media, spent nearly every waking moment discussing how to dodge Ebola by avoiding this, and sanitizing that, and not traveling here, and not going there, and blah blah blah. Last year hundreds of thousands of Americans (generously LOW estimate) died from heart disease, cancer and other preventable/treatable diseases directly caused by meat, dairy and eggs. Yet, society didn’t spend one second telling people to avoid McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Arby’s, Wendy’s, Baskin Robbins, etc. How many lives (animal and human) could’ve been saved if we solely focused on ending speciesism; the root of all injustice, environmental degradation and disease? Use my site on your vegan journey.